Chip Cooper
Well, I renewed anyway.... sure would be nice... to get Dark Mode... it's only like two commands and a button... PLEASE!
Chip Cooper
(sigh) if it means I can't really use this for a year; and I end up wasting my subscription; I'll just say, I can't wait! :-) Well, I mean, I guess I can wait; it will be worth it from what I have been able to do, even if only for short periods of time; I mean, I have the same issue with Word, so it's not like I can do much writing until we get this feature. (sigh)
I know I'd rather have it done right than fast. As a computer guy, depending on what my customer wanted or needed, I always told them, "I do three kinds of work"; or "I build three kinds of machines" or "I write 3 types of programs."); "Quality, fast, and cheap: Pick two!" :-)
BTW, FWIW; I offer to Alpha or Beta test for you, if you're looking for a high quality skilled volunteer!
Chip Cooper
Well, I subscribed for a year; and I was right; it's hard to write for any length of time. Is there any idea how long it will be before we might have this?
I don't know what development language is used with Granthika; but, as a coder/programmer developer, I've written code for many languages, more than I can remember. If I knew what language, I'd be happy to research this. What development environment does Granthika use?
It's possible that operating system specific code would be needed; but perhaps not. And, it may be possible to create a quick workaround with system calls. Again, knowing Granthika's environment would help. Can I help? :-)
Chip Cooper
I am 66 years old with eye issues due to diabetes. The bright themes are really taxing on my eyes. It would be wonderful option to be able to choose a Dark Mode for Granthika. I plan on getting a subscription without regard to your decision on this. But, Dark Mode is currently considered to be a handicap feature. To explain: After about an hour, the white starts to wash out my visual purple. And I am no longer able to refresh the images with any degree of clarity. The text starts to fade. This seems also to be related to strain on my pupils needing to constrict and the strain this causes. When writing, I find that I usually spend or want to spend way more than an hour writing, but I am unable. I have to take frequent breaks of 15 minutes or more.
I promise, as a technician by trade (now retired), I have a strong background in programming and troubleshooting. I will provide any assistance needed to provide you with quality feedback, and duplicability of errors I find so that you may remedy the circumstances. As a seasoned troubleshooter, I often provide these valuable well articulated skills to my "pet" projects, a project like yours. I think you would find me a valuable asset.
I am fortunate in that I have an application that allows me to "invert" the colors within my browser. This allows me to use the internet with ease. As my eyes age, this has provided me with a quality source of communication and research. I wholeheartedly support the inclusion of this feature into Granthika, and will be enthusiastically grateful for this consideration. I am not alone in having this issue with my eyes, and there are ever growing numbers of people with my disability. Thank you so much for hearing me out; and, for considering adding this feature to the app!
Chip Cooper
Assia Alexandrova
under review